
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

No Daddy. That's Love

So when you've got a 3 year old, you're pretty much guaranteed to never have a boring day. My 3 year old is completely obsessed with dinosaurs. Like I'm talking knows their names and what groups they belong to and whether they were carnivores or herbivores. Like I said, obsessed. 
I've recently begun a weight loss journey. This journey is so new that I haven't lost any weight yet. Anyway, I started going to the gym in the evenings after my husband gets home so that he can stay with the girls. I received this text from him while I was pushing myself during my treadmill workout: 

Bahahaha! I definitely got my pick me up to finish my workout. Never a dull moment with this one around.

BTW: Her name is pronounced like Allen with a C in front of it. Not Cay-Lyn. K thanks bye.

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘