
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Michele's Story

I talked about Calyn's birth story so I guess I can go ahead and tell you about Michele's. 

My due date was November 26, 2016 and I had a c-section scheduled for November 23, 2016. Well, my section was originally scheduled for the 18th but my dr was going out of town and they decided to reschedule. I wasn't too happy about it.m, but there wasn't anything I could do. 

Once again I was having a lot of Braxton hicks contractions towards the end of the pregnancy. This pregnancy was soooo much easier than Calyn's. I never got sick or really dealt with any pregnancy symptoms until the last couple weeks. I only had issues with my back which I have back issues anyway and the pregnancy just made it worse. 

On November 17th I was at work and right around noon I started to feel a little off. Almost as if I was coming down with something. A little feverish with some aches and chills. I had a heater in my office and had it in full blast and I was sitting right in front of it. I work at a jail and we have some nurses on staff so I called on of the nurses and asked if she could take my temperature. She came and it was at 98.4. I was feeling worse and worse and still had no actual fever. One of my supervisors came in and told me that I should go home and the nurse suggested that I call my dr. 

I tried to get in touch with Cody and couldn't get a hole of him. I called my dr and they suggested that I go to the clinic to get tested for the flu and strep. I still couldn't get a hold of Cody so I left work around 2 and drove myself to the clinic where my mom met me. I sent a text to Cody's supervisor and told him what was going on and asked if he could let Cody know. Right as I was driving up to the clinic Cody called and I filled him in and he said he would meet us there. 

They tested me for the flu and strep and both came back negative. They told me that I needed to go to the hospital because they thought it could be labor. Especially since I developed a fever during Calyn's labor. I got to the hospital and they checked me and I wasn't dilated but I was having contractions. They were pretty far apart but they hurt pretty bad. They were completely different from Calyn's. These were super sharp pains and they went into my back. They checked me for the flu again and again it was negative. They decided to keep me overnight for observation and put me on Tamiflu. They kept saying that they thought it was the flu and we kept telling them that we thought it was labor. They said that even if it was labor that it was so early that they weren't worried about it. 

Cody wasn't too happy about this, but again there wasn't anything that we could do. They put me in a room around 9 and decided to give me an ambien to help me sleep because I was in a lot of pain. Also, by this point I had actually developed a fever. I think it was just over 100. They gave me the ambien around 9 and we passed out. At 11 a whole team of people came into my room and said that they were taking me in to surgery because the baby was in distress. Every time I had a contraction her heart rate would drop and they still couldn't get my fever to go away. I was so out of it that I barely remember much. They had Cody sign all the paperwork because I wasn't in any condition to sign any releases. 

My sister made it to the hospital about 15 minutes before they started the surgery. Michele Elise was born on November 18, 2016 at 1:07am weighing 6lbs 12oz and 19 3/4" long. I don't remember anything except being woken up and holding my sisters hand in the OR. So even if I would have tried for a VBAC I wouldn't have been able to have one. 

I've come to the conclusion that I just have fevers during my labors. 

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘