
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Little Pound Here a Little Pound There

I posted a while back about my weight loss journey. My cousin and I have been going to the gym Monday thru Thursday for about an hour or so. We walk on the treadmill for an hour (we'd like to eventually work up to running) and then we go do weights for about 15-20 minutes. The scale hasn't moved a whole lot. About 3.5lbs, but boy do I feel better. I have a lot more energy and I'm sleeping better at night. 

I currently weight 174.4lbs and my goal weight is 115lbs. I plan to be all sexy-fied in about a year. My cousin only has like 20lbs to lose, but she's doing really good. I'm super proud of her. People will say that they are on their healthy journey for their families and their kids. Yea I'm doing this because I want to look good in my clothes again. It has nothing to do with anyone else. I just hate the way everything pokes out in my shirts and oh wow my pants. I haven't worn shorts in a couple years and my legs need some serious vitamin D. 

PS Calyn comes home today!! I'm super excited and depressed at the same time...

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘