
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Let's Try This DIY Thing

So, since Calyn's birthday is in January I had the bright idea to do a half birthday party this year instead of celebrating in January. It's really close to Christmas and this year I had a 2 month old at the time of her birthday and the thought of planning a party scared the shit out of me. So half birthday it is!! 

My mother-in-law came over yesterday to help me do some craft-y things for the party. I have it all planned out and if it goes anything like what I'm picturing in my head then she will have an epic 3rd birthday party. I'm not holding out for epic though. When do things ever go according to plan???

Since my baby girl is in love with dinosaurs I of course decided to throw her a dinosaur themed party! The party will be in a few weeks, so I will post all of the details then, but in the meantime here is a couple of the things that we did yesterday. Enjoy! :)

Please excuse my Hobby Lobby price tags!!! I started off with making some hand soaps as favors for the kids. I found these great dinosaur molds on Amazon and went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some clear glycerin soap, soap scents, and color dye for soap. If you do this you have to use dye for soap and NOT food coloring. Food coloring will stain your hands (according to my mother-in-law because I have no clue. This girl right here is not crafty.) The colors for Calyn's party are pink, orange, and yellow so I got the pack of primary colors and just mixed them until I got what I wanted.

Using this soap block is way easier than making the soap yourself. All I had to do was cut off the amount of soap I needed, which was about 8 of those little squares and melt them in the microwave (40 seconds, stir, and then 10 seconds at a time until completely melted.) Make sure it doesn't get too hot because it will have bubbles and then your soap will look all crappy unless that's the look that you're going for. Then by golly you do you. Ok, so you melt the soap and then I put about 10-15 drops of the scent that I was using and then I just put the drops of dye until I liked the color or it was the color I was looking for. I did the yellow first and probably put around 15 drops. I think. I forgot to note how much I actually use. Sorry. Then I poured it into the molds and let it sit for about 30 minutes (maybe longer, again I didn't keep close track) and then I popped them out of the molds and laid them on some wax paper to finish hardening up. If they still feel warm or a little oily, then they need to be cooled longer.

Once they were finished cooling completely I wrapped them in plastic wrap so that they hold their scent and bam! cute little dino soaps for my girls party. I got 18 soaps out of that block of soap and I barely made a dent in the scents and dyes. So for the price it really wasn't bad. I'm not going to sit there and calculate the math that they each cost. If you want to do that, then go ahead and do you. This mom ain't got time for that.

Next we made some cute little dinosaur feet for the kids to put on when they walk through the door. I found a free printable on another website and picked up some foam sheets from Hobby Lobby. I picked up green and white. Each green sheet will make 2 feet and I only got 1 white for the claws. One white is plenty!!! This is that process:

And them to finish the day my baby girl decided to go spend the holiday with her Nonna and Pawpaw. And Poppy in tow of course :-)

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘