
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Calyn Started School (Keto Day 3)

You guys!!! She did it! Calyn started school yesterday morning and it was a success!!

She started off her morning with some breakfast and FaceTime with Nonna.

Then it was time for the photo ops before we left the house. Grandmother came over to see her off and get a picture with her.

Then of course it was selfie time once we got in the truck!

She was more interested in telling me all of the colors in the crayon box and which animals were on the curtain than smiling for her picture!

And then we dropped her off in her classroom where she was super excited to play with some toys and the other kids! She never even batted an eye when we said we were leaving!

When I got there at 5:00 to pick her up from after care she wasn't ready to leave with me. She wanted to stay at school! I guess that means that she had a great time. They did inform me that she's very strong willed though. Lol, yes we know. I'm so happy that she had a good day and was so happy to be there! She came home reciting Genesis 1:1 and was so proud of herself that she could say all of it. I think choosing Louisiana Christian School was the best decision we could have made for our baby girl!

On another note. Keto day 3 was a bitch! After some research and talking with some people on a Facebook group I came to the conclusion that I had an electrolyte imbalance. I had a headache, my muscles were super tense, I was having some pain near my kidneys, and my muscles kept getting cramps. I was consuming a lot of sodium, but I was also drinking way too much water and was flushing out even more electrolytes, than my body could handle since keto also flushes out your body. I was also not consuming enough potassium. After I picked up Calyn we went pick up some spinach and some tuna pouches and I had me a little spinach salad and I am feeling sooooo much better. That made a huge difference!!! So if you're going to attempt a keto diet then I definitely recommend eating spinach daily to help with that and to only drink if you're thirsty. I am now down 6.2lbs though, so it was worth it!!

Keto on my peeps!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Setting ourselves up for success (Keto-Day 1)

Cody and I spent about 3-4 hours yesterday meal prepping for our first week of keto. We aren't doing "true" keto right now. We don't want to overwhelm ourselves too much in the beginning. We're doing more of a "Lazy Keto" or what a lot of people refer to as "if it fits your macros." We're only checking to make sure that things fit within our daily allotment of carbs, fats, and proteins. Once we get better acclimated then we can attempt to go "true" keto. This is going to be a pretty big adjustment for us, but we are super excited!

These are the things we cooked (I totally forgot to take pictures of everything #bloggingfail):

-Sausage and Kale Soup
-Cheese Stuffed Bacon Cheeseburgers
-Buffalo Chicken Jalapeno Popper Casserole
-Low Carb Zesty Chicken Nuggets
-Keto Bacon Burger Bombs

All of these recipes come from! Great website with some great recipes and information. So far today I've had some keto proof coffee and one of the keto bacon burger bombs and it's 2:15PM and I'm not hungry. I've also had around 50oz of water and I plan to get 100oz in before bed tonight. Cody texted me at lunch and said that he couldn't even finish all of it. I know it's only day 1, but I'm super proud of us and hope that we can stick it out!!

Also, on another note, tonight is orientation for Calyn at her new school! She starts on Wednesday!!!!! Where did the time go????? My baby girl is about to start school and it's all that she can talk about. She is SO excited and I'm excited and super sad at the same time! *tear*

This will definitely be a week of major adjustments!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Keto (will be) Life

I FINALLY got my husband to do his own research and look into the keto lifestyle and he's totally on board! I'm super excited about this. It's super hard to make any type of lifestyle changes, but still have to cater to your old lifestyle and not partake. At least it's super hard for me. Ain't nobody got time fa dat!

We're going to start try to do some meal prepping on Sunday and officially start keto on Monday! I can't wait! We both have really bad diets and need to make some changes and think that this is going to be really good for both of us :) Wish us luck!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Diet Stuff

So those who have actually read all of my posts may be wondering why I haven't posted any diet or weight loss updates...well you see...I kind of have not lost any more weight. I even briefly GAINED some weight. This not eating what I want stuff is really starting to get hard. So I've decided to try Keto. Again. I briefly tried keto a couple months ago. It lasted about 3 days. Calyn got sick and I used that as an excuse to quit and never started back up again.

I'm going to start super simple and not try to overdo it. Bacon and eggs for breakfast with coffee. That's all I've got so far. I'll let you know how the planning goes. I may just go ahead and start it next week. This week I'll focus on getting all of the "bad" stuff out of the house. Wish me luck on this grueling task!!! 

For those of you who are not familiar with keto...let me explain it in super super simple terms. It's basically a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When I say low carb like I'm talking no more than 20g of net carbs per day. Net carbs are the carbs minus the fiber. So if you have something that has 5g of carbs, but has 3g of fiber, then it only has 2g of net carbs! There are a ton of resources on the internet and a couple of facebook groups that I'm a part of. I really want to lose weight, but most of all I want to feel good again. I want to see people that I haven't seen in a while and not feel the shock and disgust on their faces. Because believe me people I can actually feel that look on your face. I feel it all the way to my bones and I don't like it, so please stop doing that. Thanks! 

I've still got a lot of research and learning to do as far as keto goes, but I'm definitely wanting to give it an honest try. Let's see how I can do in a month. If I start next Monday, then that'll be on the 7th. I'll give you guys an update on September 7th and let you know how the whole keto thing went down. 

I've still been going to the gym and people have been telling me that it looks like I've lost so maybe that's helping, but the scale hasn't budged lately. Maybe some keto and some gym will make Milly skinny and healthy again???? Who knows!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

It's been a little minute

It's been a few days since I've posted anything. Sorry about that.

Calyn is spending a few days with my in-laws before school starts and she was beyond excited to leave with my mother-in-law yesterday. She's never had an issue leaving us. There are times when I want her to miss me, but at the same time I know that this is setting her up for later in life and I couldn't be prouder of her. 

I got this picture from my mother-in-law within minutes of them leaving. Also, in case any of you were curious where my child gets her curly hair from...just take a look at the

Also, I just want to thank the person that gave Calyn that dinosaur excavation thing-y for her birthday. I wish I would have remembered who she got it from because I would have called you to come and clean my kitchen after we were through with it!! Calyn loved it by the way!!

There was white chalk dust EVERYWHERE!! I couldn't take any more pictures because I started to help her with it and I became covered in dust and I didn't want to get anything else more dirty than it already was! My girl had a blast with it though and was super excited to find a brachiosaurus in there. Next time though, buy one for your own kids. Let's keep Milly's kitchen clean. K thanks bye!!

And here's a cute picture of Michele just because! You're welcome!

I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘