
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

They're Worth It

I struggle every morning to get out of bed when my alarm goes off. I'm so not a morning person. This is why I don't wear makeup. Not because I think I look good without it, but because I just don't have time for it I'd rather sleep! My mornings are hectic and then I spend a full day at work which is always interesting and then I get home and it's the morning routine in reverse! Most days I feel like a failure and like I can't keep doing this. It's a lot of work and there's nothing easy about trying to make a tiny human happy all the time. So I go for at least 70% of the time. That sounds like a good number. Michele is easy. Just feed her when she's hungry and change her when she needs to be changed and that's about it. Calyn on the other hand. Yea, not so easy. Dinosaurs and trolls can usually do the trick, but I can't take Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick anymore. Their voices are like nails on a chalkboard for me. "No troll left behind!" Well I say leave them all in Bergentown for the Bergens to munch on when they need a little pick me up! No more trolls!!! And as for the dinosaurs!! We're having her half birthday party this Saturday and it's dinosaur themed. I am so done with dinosaurs too. I have learned more about dinosaurs in the last month than I ever thought I would learn in my entire life!!!

I need to give my child new hobbies. I'm looking forward to school starting and her getting some new interests because my girl just doesn't have a very broad outlook on things. She's pretty sheltered. Let's get some Disney in our lives. A little Lion King or what about Mulan?? That's a good powerful girl movie. She can do anything the boys can do and with boobs!! You go girl! I'll even take some more Paw Patrol. I miss Marshall and his clumsy self. What about Shimmer and Shine?? Boom Zaramay (sp?)! I could always bring her outside, but as previously stated this momma just doesn't have enough hours in the day. Maybe on the weekends, but that's cutting into some of my rest time and I need that beauty sleep if I'm not going to wear makeup. 

I started this talking about how hectic my days are and how overwhelming they can be. I'm usually stressed out to the max and have no more room left on my bullshit meter by the end of the day. But when Calyn can walk up to me and say "Mommy?" "What now, Calyn??" "I just love you." **Begin melting heart** "I love you too baby." "Can I have a popcicle for supper?? I'm soooo hungry." "If you're hungry, then a popcicle isn't going to do it for you." "Nooooooo!!! All I want is a popcicle!!!!!" **We had a nice little brief moment there...**

At the end of the day all that matters are those 2 little humans. I just want them to be happy and healthy and safe. Even though they drive me up the wall 99% of the time and it's so not going to get better from here.

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘