
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Free Night!!!

When we went to leave the in-laws yesterday they offered to keep the girls for us overnight and we got to stay up late and sleep in (I was up at 8:00 anyway) and it's been a super peaceful and totally boring day. I'm looking forward to going get my little monsters. 

I'm one of those people who won't drink when the kids are around because what if something happens and I have to drive them to the hospital and I can't drive because I've been drinking and now I have to call an ambulance and I can't afford to pay for an ambulance so now I'm going to have bad credit!!!! That's the kind of thoughts that I have. I can't be the only one! Anyway, I had a couple glasses of wine last night and o.m.g. it was was sooo good. I need to make room for more wine nights.

I was about to go to the gym earlier and then I was like wait I can go to the gym when the girls are here. Let me go grocery shopping!!!! Kid-free grocery shopping is the best thing ever!! It was kid-free and husband-free. Yayy!!!!

I thought about cleaning and decluttering, but as soon as the girls walk in the door everything is going back to the clutter filled zone so I said screw it. Again, I can't be the only one???

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘