
Monday, July 24, 2017

Girl Dinosaur Birthday Party

I'm just going to start off by saying that the party was a success!!! The kids had a blast and we got them all sugared up and then sent them home!
I had this shirt made for Calyn!

Cody was up until almost midnight Friday night working on this Tricera-Toss for the party!

Of course we had to have this ginormous pinata that we found at Walmart!

There's nothing quite like beating the crap out of something with a bat!

I'd say that the kiddos loved it!

We put up these really cool dinosaur posters that my sister had bought for Calyn months ago.

Veggies for the Herbivores!
Dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for the carnivores!
"Prehistoric Dirt" cups, chocolate pudding layered with crushed oreos, with little plastic dinosaurs in each cup!
This AH-Mazing cake that we had done with her favorite dinosaur on it, a parasaurolophus! The cake was done at a local bakery, Champagne's Bakery. I HIGHLY recommend them! The cake flavor was Pink Cookie, which is a flavor that if you're from around here you definitely know what that is. If you don't know what it is, then look up this bakery in Henderson, LA and get some shipped to your house and prepare to fall in love! Or just go by the bakery if you're local and pick some up! 

Some more AH-Mazing sweets were these super cute and ridiculously delicious sugar cookies!!! Macie, thank you so much! They were soooo good and the kids absolutely loved them!!!
Red and green grapes as "Dino Eggs"

Pretzel sticks as the "Dino Bones"
"Lava Punch"
Don't ask me what the recipe is because I have no idea. I forgot to write the recipe down and I was just mixing things up in the bowl as people were walking in. It was damn good though. It for sure had orange sherbet and frozen raspberries and pineapples.
"Swamp Water" which was just water with frozen raspberries and frozen pineapples and a squeeze of lemon juice.
I made a little hat for T-Rex out of some construction paper. I made little hats for some of the other dinosaurs too, but the kids started playing with them before I could get a picture :-)

Picked up these little visors at Hobby Lobby and some foam stickers and gave each of the kids one.

This is one of my favorites from the party. I found this on the internet and printed it on some card stock. My baby girl loves her some dinosaurs. These were all her answers without any coaching from us. I wrote down exactly what she said. I definitely plan to do one of these every year for her!

She got a few different outfits as gifts and we were trying them on after everyone left. We never made it past this super cute dinosaur dress that her Godmother/Nanny made for her! She was in love with it!!
We had an amazing time putting this party together. I want to thank my in-laws for all of their help!!! The kids had a blast! Baby girl had a blast! Thank you everyone for coming and I'm definitely not looking forward to doing this all again in a few months for Michele's birthday!!!!!

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘