
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Not Today, Baby Girl

So, you know how toddlers tend to be the most awesome sauce little people in the world??? Especially early in the morning. When you're running late. Yep. Most awesome people to deal with. So, apparently Calyn is a lot like me and does not like to be woken up in the morning. She tends to be a TAD cranky. Just a tad. Like to the point of major screaming fits and refusing to do ANYTHING. When she wakes up on her own she's an angel. 

Well, this morning was one of those mornings that I had 15 minutes to wake her up, get her dressed, brush her teeth, fix her hair, feed her breakfast, and get out the door. Yesterday I woke her up at 6:15 and we left the house for 7:10. That was almost an entire hour that I let her get her crankiness out. This morning we didn't have that luxury. It started with the screaming that she wasn't getting out of bed. Then I decided to dress her while she was still laying down because she's easier to maneuver that way. FYI it's not that easy. 

Then it was teeth time. Always my favorite time of the morning. On the weekends and in the evenings we have no issues at all with brushing teeth. Weekday mornings?? It's a battle of wills and wits. I have to bear hug her with one arm and forcefully shove the toothbrush in her mouth without actually hurting her even though some days I wouldn't feel all that bad if I did. Weekday mornings my child doesn't have the freshest of breath. Sorry. You shouldn't be that close to her anyway for it to really bother you. Just keep your distance. 

By the time I'm done brushing her teeth I'm winded and sweating. I feel like I've just gotten through doing sprints. She looks like she just watched a super sappy, gut-wrenching, cry-it-out movie. There's tears and snot and it's just not a pretty sight. She went to bed with her hair still in a ponytail and I wasn't about to attempt to tackle that one this morning. She go an Eggo waffle for breakfast because I had no energy for anything else. Michele just sort of sat there staring at us and I think she had this look on her face of "Just wait, Mom. It's almost my turn."

Most of the time Calyn is the type that you have to mentally battle with her. It's always a battle of wills and you have to figure out a way to convince her that your idea is the right one. Trust me I've tried the whole brute force thing and just making her do what I want her to do. It doesn't work that way with this one. She would spend most of her waking moments in timeout. Dealing with her is mentally exhausting. Usually when I have the time in the mornings is when I take that approach. I didn't have the time this morning. I don't want to have to have the time. Mommy gets tired of this. I go to work so that I can get a break. I get to relax more at work than I do with that girl. Michele is the easy one right now. She doesn't have a say so in anything. I always thought that I would never let my kids have this much power over me and you may be thinking that I'm crazy for playing this game with her, but this child is intense. She's smart and knows how to bring you to your knees!!! She will break you before you break her. 

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘