
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

High or Low Ponytail??

So this morning started off perfectly. There's no sarcasm there. Like it for real started off pretty good. Michele didn't wake up until I went in to get her. I have her her bottle (which she now holds on her own) after I changed her and she took it without any problems. Calyn woke up faily easily and let me dress her without any issues. Axl went outside and came right back in. 

It wasn't until after I got dressed and told Calyn it was time to brush her hair and teeth. We went from being 10 minutes early to 10 minutes late. She flat out refused to brush her teeth and I then had to bear hug her with one arm and forcefully brush her teeth with the other. Of course she screamed the entire time which just made a mess and then I had to clean up the mess. When we were done with that it was time to fix her hair. She cooperated fairly well for this...until I was finished. She then threw her self on the ground kicking and screaming that that's not where she wanted her ponytail. She wanted it in the back. Wait. What?? "Calyn, your ponytail is in the back, baby." "NOOOO it's not!!" "Calyn, where do you want your ponytail then??" "I want it in the back!!!!!" Oh gosh. This isn't going how I planned. "Calyn, show mommy where you want me to put your ponytail." *Points to the back of her neck.* "You want a low ponytail?? Is that what you're trying to say?" "Yessss! That's what I said!" "Ok. Ok. I'll put it in a low ponytail, child. Chill out." *Move ponytail down an inch.* *Child skips away happy as could be.*

Seriously?? All of that over your hair moving an inch??

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘