
Friday, June 30, 2017

Nothing Like It Pt 2

We loaded up Axl. My puppy love. My little black ball of fur. My first born. My only boy. (I love my dog). So yeah, we loaded up Axl to take him to my mom's and to pick my mom up and off to the hospital we went. But first we made a stop at Burger King.

**Ok so did anyone else read tons and I mean TONS of books and articles and blogs about what labor is really like??? Yeah well I read up on it and everyone says that you don't get to eat during labor and to try to fuel up before you get to the hospital to keep up your strength. No one mentions that it's not always a good idea.

Ok, so we're at Burger King and I get a sausage croissant breakfast sandwich (great fuel, yeah I know, don't judge me people). Now keep in mind that I've been having contractions this whole time and I've been yelling at Cody for every bump he hits because 1. I live in south Louisiana and the roads are horrible and 2. OMG this freaking hurts! The hospital is about 20 minutes from my house and we got there around 5:30am. I was convinced that I was going to do this thing natural and unmedicated. I had done some hypnobirthing training and I was pretty set on this going my way (Bahahahaha!!! That's so funny!!!!!) 

I'm breathing through contractions and the nurse is telling me how great I'm doing. They come in and check me. Maybe 1cm. What?!?! I've been having contractions all night, my water broke, and I'm barely 1 effing cm!!! Oh hell no. So this is where I started to get frustrated. Ok, so I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sitting there concentrating and in the zone and in PAIN and I look like crap and most women aren't very pleasant to be around during labor. So why the hell would you decide that the middle of labor is the time to come in my delivery room and sit down and have a chat???? There were so many people coming in and out of my room and I didn't want to be mean and tell them to get out and I was frustrated because I was progressing slower than I thought I would. 

I finally made it to 3cm at 10am and I started to feel feverish and they checked my temperature and sure enough I was at 100 degree fever. So now your girl is getting seriously upset. I wanted people to leave me alone. I wanted it to be quiet. I wanted people to stop touching me because EVERYTHING was sensitive. Like my skin hurt whenever anyone touched me and EVERYONE felt the need to effing touch me. This girl right here. Yeah she wasn't happy. I was seriously worried that I was going to go off on everyone and despite what people might think about me, I really don't like to be mean and I didn't want to upset anyone.

So that's when I made the decision to get the epidural. I was so upset with myself and for the longest time I was upset with everyone that was aggravating me that day because I felt like it was their fault. Like if they would have just left me alone, then I could have done it. Yeah well I've learned that no one had any clue that they were aggravating me and what my wishes were because I never told them that I didn't want them there because I didn't want to upset anyone. I was in labor though so I hope everyone can forgive me.

I felt sooooo much better once I got the epidural. No contractions. That was bliss. But I still had a fever. And it wasn't going anywhere. They couldn't get it to go down. 1pm rolls around and I've still got a fever, I threw up that sausage croissant sandwich from Burger King, and I'm still at 3cm. That's when my doctor came in and said that he felt it was best for the baby if we went ahead and did a c-section because they couldn't get my fever to go down. It was getting higher actually. I think it was at 102 at this point. I asked him he thought there was anything else we could do and he said that he felt that this was the best option at that point. I love my doctor and I totally respect his opinion so I said let's do it.

Calyn Claire was born on January 22, 2014 at 3:07pm. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My baby girl. 

**Please understand that I am fully aware that there are women all over the place every single day who have labors that are waaaaay longer and more serious than this. At the time, it felt like I had been in labor for a week!!!! High five to all moms out there. Natural, c-section, medication, vaginal, adopted, and angel moms. You all rock!!! Muah!!!

Calyn is Starting School

So Calyn is starting PreK3 in August and I'm still not sure how to feel about this. My aunt, which is my mom's oldest sister (79years old), has been babysitting Calyn since day one. She's been absolutely amazing, but to be honest Calyn is a complete handful!! She is very strong willed and super stubborn. If she doesn't want to do something, then she will dig in her heels and you will have a hell of a time getting her to comply. I know my aunt is in desperate need of the break from her, but I also know that she's going to miss her a lot. 

I think that she's going to have an absolute blast at school and will love it. She's not one that needs to have other kids around her, but she plays well when in that environment. We recently went to a birthday party and she sat at a table with my father in law and brother in law at the back of the room while all the other kids were playing together at the front of the room. She was just as happy as could be with that arrangement.

I haven't gotten her anything that she will need yet. No booksack. No lunchbox. No nap mat. No uniforms. Nothing. I think I'm still trying to hold on. She's our baby girl. That's been her nickname since she was born. Most of my mom's coworkers don't know her real name. My sister is 13 years older than me and she has 2 boys, so Calyn was the first girl grandchild. She'll always be my baby girl. 

I don't want to be one of those annoying parents or have one of those kids that all the teachers know by name and not for good reasons. The school she's going to is a small christian school in our area and Cody and I are super excited about it. I just don't want Calyn to rock their world in a way that they shouldn't be rocked.

I guess I should start preparing for how my day is going to go. I'm going to need to wake up earlier and I'll be getting home later. I hate having to put her in after care, but I don't get off of work until 4:30 and I have to pick Michele up by 5:00 and Calyn by 5:30. I work about 30 minutes away from Calyn's school and Michele's sitter is about half way between the 2. Thing are about to get interesting.

Maybe I'll just get all of her stuff on Amazon and be done with it. I'm not sure if I want her to pick everything out. She's still a toddler and their minds change every 2.34 seconds. I'll get what she likes now and tomorrow she'll be begging for the yellow one with the butterflies, not the purple one with the monkeys!!!!! *insert major tantrum* We shall see. I'll let you know what I decide.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nothing like it

You see I used to be a whopping 105lbs when my husband and I met. I'm only 5'1" so that's actually a healthy weight for me. I was 115lbs when we got engaged and 120lbs when we got married. Then I was 130lbs when I got pregnant with Calyn. This is where things really started to take a turn for the worse. I. Was. Miserable. Throughout. The. Entire. Pregnancy. I hated being pregnant. I loved my baby and I couldn't wait to meet her, but I had decided that I was NEVER having another one. People. Pregnancy is no joke. I tip my hat to these AMAZEBALLS moms out there who are pushing out 5+ kids. Hell I tip my hat to anyone with 3+ kids. It ain't easy!
It started with the morning sickness. I didn't have it nearly as bad as a lot of moms do. I wasn't actually throwing up, but O.M.G. I was nauseated all day long. Brushing my teeth felt like the biggest task. I would brush them (forget about bushing my tongue. I made that mistake once and only once), then I would have to hurry up and lay down for about 10-15 minutes until the nausea would pass so that I could finish getting ready for work. This started at 7 weeks. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. It lasted until 13 weeks. It was wonderful to wake up one morning, shower, brush my teeth and the next thing I knew I was on my way to work with my breakfast and I was 15 minutes early!! I had about 3 days of this! It was wonderful. Glorious. Amazeballs! Then the headaches started. I had a headache Every. Single. Day. until I was about 26 weeks. I was drinking water like crazy because I thought it was a dehydration thing. Nope. Apparently it was those amazing things that women just love so much. It was my freaking hormones. Now on top of all of this I was consistently gaining weight. Nothing too crazy. about 5lbs during the first trimester and about another 10-15lbs during the second. Third trimester rolls around and I realize that I am swollen and quite plump. Everywhere. Fingers, toes, legs, Face! Oh gosh my face! Well then the heartburn started. Like I'm talking reflux so bad that I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to go throw up because it was coming! Then I would get back in bed and have to sit up for an hour or so playing on my phone because if I would lay back down, then it would just happen all over again. I chewed so much freaking Tums during my third trimester it was ridiculous. I was BEGGING my doctor at 37 weeks to just get her out of me! I was exhausted. Like walking zombie, couldn't imagine any more lack of sleep (I had no clue what real sleep deprivation was. Silly Milly. You will learn soon). Of course he said no. Asshole (Not really. I actually love my doctor and have recommended him to several people, but at that moment I hated the bastard). Finally at 40 weeks, Monday January 20, 2014,  I go in for my checkup and he says that I'm dilated MAYBE half a centimeter. It was the best news of my life! I was finally dilating!!!!! Then he says the most amazing thing I had ever heard, "Would you like to go ahead and schedule to induce?" I was like "Did you really think it was necessary to actually ask me that question." I literally started crying. Like the tears were little rivers just rolling down my face and I just nodded my head. Quite vigorously actually. Queue another headache. With some slight reflux. Then they tell me some even better news, "Would you like to do it tomorrow morning? At 7?" Again, is this question really necessary??? I was scheduled and on the books. It was going to happen people. I couldn't have been happier. I ran home and I was so excited. I was going to take a nice relaxing bath and just enjoy the rest of my day. 

Well, then my phone rang. It was the nurse. They had to push it back from Tuesday to Thursday because they had an emergency and someone would need my spot the next day. Well to say the least I was crushed. Of course I started crying again. TWO WHOLE EXTRA DAYS. These people were trying to kill me!!!!

I just want to put a little side note here that my husband was AMAZING throughout the entire pregnancy. The emotional roller coaster that man had to deal with was insane and I'm so glad he stuck around!!

My husband did a great job of consoling me that night. Of course I had a headache from crying and oh yeah I forgot to mention that I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions since about 26 weeks. And yes I went to the hospital at least 3 times thinking I was in labor *insert frustrated eye roll here*. 

 So here I am. Pregnant. Emotional. Hurting. Big as a whale. And pissed. I got through that Tuesday alright, but I kept thinking all day that I should already have my baby girl in my arms. The Braxton Hicks started to get stronger to the point that I was starting to time them. I woke up several times during the night on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning because they were bothering me so much. I even woke my husband up at one point and told him that I was going to need to start timing them soon. He had heard this so many times that he was just like yeah ok wake me if you need me. Well 4:30 rolled around and they were getting stronger. I woke Cody up again and was like ok dude like for real. I need to time these bitches because it hurts! I told him that I was going to go pee and then we could time them. As soon as I stood up *whoosh* Yep. You guessed it. My water broke. I was soaked and very thankful that it waited till I got out of bed. That was just a mess that I wasn't willing to deal with during labor. Who wants to put sheets washing at 4:30 in the morning while having contractions and continuing to leak fluids out of their vajayjay??? Am I right?? Well anyway I was thankful. The Big Man was looking out. All I could say was "Oh my God. Oh my God!!" Once my husband figured out what was going on he jumped out of bed and proceeded to freak out. I told him that I was going take a shower, wash my hair (I have super oily skin and knew that I wouldn't be able to wash it for a day or so and that's just a no no for me), and I wanted to shave my legs (needed to be nice and smooth.) He started making phone calls and loaded the car while I did that.

***This post has become extremely longer than I planned it. I think I'm going to continue this totally unnecessary story tomorrow.

K. Thanks. Bye.

Making the Time

So I tend to be a procrastinator. I make excuses. There's a reason why I'm 60+lbs over weight. I mentioned previously that I just started a weight loss journey. No better way to be held accountable than to post it on the internet right?? I got on the scale this morning and I lost 2.2lbs! Yayy me!! *I'm totally doing a victory dance right now* 

I've been going to the gym in the evenings when my husband gets home from work so that he can watch the girls. I walk on the treadmill for about 30 minutes to an hour and then I hit the weight machines at least every other day. I figure now is the time to do it while I'm feeling motivated. 

My favorite excuse to use was always that I couldn't go in the evenings because I just didn't have the time. We let me tell you, that's a load of bullshit. Well, obviously because I'm totally going right now. But, I've noticed that since I became a mom I feel like it's my job to handle EVERYTHING. Like I'm talking supper, baths, brushing hair and teeth, cleaning, all of it. My husband works a very demanding schedule in the oil field and I don't feel right making him do things when he gets home from work. I even feel guilty asking him to watch the girls for an hour or so for me to go to the gym. Luckily for me he's super supportive *mental high five to myself* and is willing to help out where he can. Over the last 2 weeks I've learned about my extremely bad habit of excuses and procrastinating and I'm working on changing that.

Ain't nobody got time fah dat!!

Here's one of my motivational bible quotes on this weight loss journey:
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live

Starting Weight: 178
Current Weight: 175.8
Goal Weight: 115

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

No Daddy. That's Love

So when you've got a 3 year old, you're pretty much guaranteed to never have a boring day. My 3 year old is completely obsessed with dinosaurs. Like I'm talking knows their names and what groups they belong to and whether they were carnivores or herbivores. Like I said, obsessed. 
I've recently begun a weight loss journey. This journey is so new that I haven't lost any weight yet. Anyway, I started going to the gym in the evenings after my husband gets home so that he can stay with the girls. I received this text from him while I was pushing myself during my treadmill workout: 

Bahahaha! I definitely got my pick me up to finish my workout. Never a dull moment with this one around.

BTW: Her name is pronounced like Allen with a C in front of it. Not Cay-Lyn. K thanks bye.

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Just getting this blog started and I'm still learning. Let's go on this journey together!! :)

I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘