
Friday, June 30, 2017

Nothing Like It Pt 2

We loaded up Axl. My puppy love. My little black ball of fur. My first born. My only boy. (I love my dog). So yeah, we loaded up Axl to take him to my mom's and to pick my mom up and off to the hospital we went. But first we made a stop at Burger King.

**Ok so did anyone else read tons and I mean TONS of books and articles and blogs about what labor is really like??? Yeah well I read up on it and everyone says that you don't get to eat during labor and to try to fuel up before you get to the hospital to keep up your strength. No one mentions that it's not always a good idea.

Ok, so we're at Burger King and I get a sausage croissant breakfast sandwich (great fuel, yeah I know, don't judge me people). Now keep in mind that I've been having contractions this whole time and I've been yelling at Cody for every bump he hits because 1. I live in south Louisiana and the roads are horrible and 2. OMG this freaking hurts! The hospital is about 20 minutes from my house and we got there around 5:30am. I was convinced that I was going to do this thing natural and unmedicated. I had done some hypnobirthing training and I was pretty set on this going my way (Bahahahaha!!! That's so funny!!!!!) 

I'm breathing through contractions and the nurse is telling me how great I'm doing. They come in and check me. Maybe 1cm. What?!?! I've been having contractions all night, my water broke, and I'm barely 1 effing cm!!! Oh hell no. So this is where I started to get frustrated. Ok, so I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sitting there concentrating and in the zone and in PAIN and I look like crap and most women aren't very pleasant to be around during labor. So why the hell would you decide that the middle of labor is the time to come in my delivery room and sit down and have a chat???? There were so many people coming in and out of my room and I didn't want to be mean and tell them to get out and I was frustrated because I was progressing slower than I thought I would. 

I finally made it to 3cm at 10am and I started to feel feverish and they checked my temperature and sure enough I was at 100 degree fever. So now your girl is getting seriously upset. I wanted people to leave me alone. I wanted it to be quiet. I wanted people to stop touching me because EVERYTHING was sensitive. Like my skin hurt whenever anyone touched me and EVERYONE felt the need to effing touch me. This girl right here. Yeah she wasn't happy. I was seriously worried that I was going to go off on everyone and despite what people might think about me, I really don't like to be mean and I didn't want to upset anyone.

So that's when I made the decision to get the epidural. I was so upset with myself and for the longest time I was upset with everyone that was aggravating me that day because I felt like it was their fault. Like if they would have just left me alone, then I could have done it. Yeah well I've learned that no one had any clue that they were aggravating me and what my wishes were because I never told them that I didn't want them there because I didn't want to upset anyone. I was in labor though so I hope everyone can forgive me.

I felt sooooo much better once I got the epidural. No contractions. That was bliss. But I still had a fever. And it wasn't going anywhere. They couldn't get it to go down. 1pm rolls around and I've still got a fever, I threw up that sausage croissant sandwich from Burger King, and I'm still at 3cm. That's when my doctor came in and said that he felt it was best for the baby if we went ahead and did a c-section because they couldn't get my fever to go down. It was getting higher actually. I think it was at 102 at this point. I asked him he thought there was anything else we could do and he said that he felt that this was the best option at that point. I love my doctor and I totally respect his opinion so I said let's do it.

Calyn Claire was born on January 22, 2014 at 3:07pm. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My baby girl. 

**Please understand that I am fully aware that there are women all over the place every single day who have labors that are waaaaay longer and more serious than this. At the time, it felt like I had been in labor for a week!!!! High five to all moms out there. Natural, c-section, medication, vaginal, adopted, and angel moms. You all rock!!! Muah!!!

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I'm back...

I plan to start keeping up with the blog again. So this is me just letting y'all know 😘